About Us
In the early 1900’s my great grandfather left the comfort of the Swedish Island of Öland for, ultimately, the Pacific Northwest Region of the United States of America. His resolve was fueled with a passionate thirst for adventure, and a desire for a better life.
In his new home my ancestor achieved the admiration of his peers and success as a highly skilled carpenter, with an eye toward functional quality, a spirit of individualism, and creative ambition.
In honor of my great grandfather’s legacy, and with an acknowledgment of my family heritage, I was granted the middle name of “Öland”. I’ve carried it proudly my entire life.
Today, with the same spirit of individuality, with an eye for functional quality, Öland Golf crafts, creates, and innovates products we hope you will be proud to own and that will further enhance your enjoyment of the game.
We thank you for your support and the opportunity to do business with you.
Looking forward to seeing you out on the links,
Robert Öland